

۴ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Hussein» ثبت شده است

(The character and virtues of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH

(The character and virtues of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH

Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) was born on Sha’ban 11th, 33 AH or 35 AH or 41 AH and was martyred on Muharram 10th, 61 AH in the Battle of Karbala along with Imam Hussain

:Tabari in his history book introduces Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) as follows

The first martyr in Karbala from generation of Abu Talib (PBUH) is Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH). His father is Imam Hussein ibn Ali, his mother is Lady Layla the daughter of Abi Murrah bin ‘Urwah bin Mas‘ud al-Thaqafi. He went to the 

:battlefield declaiming

I am Ali the son of Hussein ibn Ali، I swear to the Lord of Kaaba, we are the closest family members of Muhammad (PBUH), and I swear to Allah that the son of a strumpet woman (Muawiyah) won’t govern us

(History of the Prophets and Kings, vol.3. The Publisher: Dar-ol-Kotob Elmiyah)

: (The most similar person to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH

One of Hazrat Ali Akbar’s (PBUH) eminent virtues is that Imam Hussein (PBUH) described him  as follows

Ali Akbar is the most similar person to the first being of the world, the Great Prophet (PBUH) and this virtue illuminates his eminent dignity to everyone

: Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani, a Sunni scholar, narrates in Maqatil al-Talibiyyin that

When Ali ibn Hussein went to fight with enemies, Imam Hussein wept and said: O God, be witness to this event (these people), because a young man went for fighting, who is the most similar person to your prophet

Hazrat Ali Akbar attacked (several times) that group and came back to his honorable father and said: “Dear father! I’m thirsty!” Imam Hussein (PBUH) replied

Tolerate my dear,  today will not end, until you are satiated with your forefather-  Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) bowl (he will give you water

Hazrat Ali Akbar fought till the arrows torn his throat

While he was rolling in his blood, he called out: Dear father! Peace be upon you, this is my forefather, God’s prophet, who sends his regards to you and says: Hurry up and come to us, then got martyred

(Maqatil al-Talibiyyin,vol.1)

Abu Mikhnaf also narrates another phrase in this regard

Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) had the most beautiful face and the best character. [when he was going to the battle field] Imam Hussein’s (PBUH) eyes became full of tears and said: “Oh Allah!  Attest that a young man went to the battle field who is the most similar person to your prophet regarding his appearance, moral characteristics and speech. Whenever we desired to visit your prophet we looked at Ali Akbar

Maqtal al-Husayn. The publisher: Al-Elmiyah Publishing. This has been narrated in some other books as well

 : Similarity to the Islam’s Prophet in every aspect

Hazrat Ali Akbar is, facially, the most similar person to the Prophet (PBUH). There are some narrations about the beauty of the Prophet’s (PBUH) face. Ibn Hajar Asqalani writes in Fath al-Bari

Abu Hurairah said: I have never seen anyone better and more beautiful than Allah’s Prophet (PBUH), it seems that the Sun can be seen in his holy face

Abu Ishaq says: I asked a woman who had already seen the prophet in hajj to describe his face. She said: The prophet’s face is like the full moon and I’ve never seen anyone like him before and after that and Rabi, Mas’ud’s daughter, narrates: If someone sees the Prophet (PBUH), in fact he will see a glittery Sun

(Fatḥ al-Bārī fī Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, vol.6. The publisher: Dar-al Ma’refah)

And Ibn Kathir, on a comparison between the beauty of Joseph and the Holy Prophet (PBUH), writes

In comparison with the beauty of Joseph (PBUH), narratives are mentioned about the beauty, grandeur, profit, guidance and blessing of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). As there are narratives about the beauty of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) appearance, for instance those which are narrated by Rabi, Mas’ud’s daughter

“If someone meets the Prophet (PBUH), in fact he will see a glittery Sun”

(Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya, vol.6. Publisher: Maktib al-Ma’aref.)

This was just a brief description of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) beautiful appearance and as it was mentioned earlier, Hazrat Ali Akbar is the most similar person to the Prophet in appearance, hence the indescribable beauty of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) is discerned

But the second similarity of Hazrat Ali Akbar to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is that he is the most similar person to the Prophet (PBUH) regarding morality, behavior and gesture

: The Almighty God says about the ethics of Prophet (PBUH) in the Holy Quran

( And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character. (68: 4

: Sunnis scholars write about this verse

This explanation is due to the fact that no one’s attitude is better than the ethics 

(of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH

: Allah says in another verse

( We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. (21:107

Or in another verse, the Prophet is introduced as a good role model: “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct)” (33:21

Yet we know there are many aspects of good morals. The person who has the best ethics, in a way that he is a blessing and a model for the whole world, is at the highest level in all moral attributes. However the most similar servant of God to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is Hazrat Ali Akbar. This means that like his noble ancestor, he has the highest position of virtue and is the source of blessing and model for people of the world

The third similarity of Hazrat Ali Akbar to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is in terms of speech and utterance.The most important feature of the Prophet (PBUH) is that he never spoke based on personal desires, and Almighty Allah praises His Prophet as follows in the Quran:

(“Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire” (53:3

Accordingly, Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) is the most similar person to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in terms of speech and utterance

This remark of Imam Hussein (PBUH) reveals the dignity of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH). Imam Hussein (PBUH) said: If we were eager to visit Prophet Muhammad, we used to look at Ali Akbar (PBUH), because he was the most similar person to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH

The status of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) was so high that even the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt (Peace Be upon Them) confessed that.


: (Strong love of Imam Hussein (PBUH) to Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH

According to the resources of Shias and Sunnis, when Imam Hussein (PBUH) became aware of his son’s martyrdom, he came out of the tent and went bedside his son, and as he wept and shed tears, said: May, God kill your murderers, how these shameless people rebel against God, and how they disrespect the Prophet of God., and as tears shed from his eyes said: After your martyrdom, pity be on the world

(Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya, vol.8.)

By this remark Imam Hussein (PBUH) expresses his extreme interest and love to his son. The martyrdom of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) and his death is so hard for Imam Hussein that he considers living in this world without Ali Akbar (PBUH), worthless. And another point is that the respect and sanctity of Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) is the same as the respect for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and by being disrespectful to Ali Akbar (PBUH) in fact Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was defiled

Hazrat Ali Akbar (PBUH) has many virtues that certainly it does not fit in this 

brief article and we explained only a part of his dignities


«The appointment of the awaiting people for the Reappearance «Arbaeen

The Muslims were taught that here (Karbala) was the place of their 


Arbaeen Procession

Arbaeen Procession

 :Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (pbuh) ‘s Hadith on visit to Karbala

  1. ‘If one of our Shia goes for Imam Hussein’s (a.s.) Ziarat, then he will not 
  2. return but all his sins will be forgiven. For every step that he or his mount takes, 1,000 virtues are written for him, 1,000 sins are forgiven and his status is elevated by a 1,000 degrees.’ (Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 25, tradition 26; Kamiluz Ziaraat, pg 134)
  3. When the visitor leaves the house, each and every spot that he steps on, prays for him.(Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 15, tradition 14)
  4. When the rays of the sun fall on the visitor of Imam’s (a.s.) shrines, it consumes his sins like the fire consumes wooden sticks. The sun does not leave any sin on his body and he returns home sinless. In fact on his return he is granted a status that is not even given to those who shed their blood in Allah’s path.(Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 15, tradition 14; Kamiluz Ziaraat, pg 298)
  5. When a Shia knows Imam Hussein’s (a.s.) right over the people and leaves his house for Imam’s (a.s.) ziarat in this condition, without any pride and conceit, then a 1,000 angels accompany him from the right, with another 1,000 angels on the left. And he will be rewarded as if he has performed 1,000 Hajj and 1,000 Umrah with a prophet or with the successor (wasi) of a prophet. (Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 91, tradition 33)

One of the biggest pilgrimages in the world is underway, with millions of Shia Muslims risking their lives to travel through Iraq.

They are making their way to the city of Karbala, 62 miles south-west of Baghdad, for the holy day of Arbaeen on 12 December – a journey that has previously been the target of numerous terrorist attacks.

Arbaeen marks the end of a 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual that commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Imam Hussein in 680.

Shia Muslims revere him as their third imam and mourn his defeat at the battle of Karbala, when he and his companions were killed and beheaded by Caliph Yazid’s army.

The city holds the Imam Hussein Shrine, which was the destination of an estimated 20 million people from 40 countries in 2013.

The Hindu pilgrimage of Kumbh Mela, often held to be the largest in the world, sees more pilgrims but is only held every third year, while the Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca sees approximately 2 million people arrive every year.

Security is being increased around Karbala ahead of the pilgrims’ arrival but many choose to make the 55-mile journey on foot from Najaf, near Isis-controlled areas.

Writing for the Huffington Post, theology lecturer Sayed Mahdi al-Modarresi described his experience of Arbaeen as a “tumultuous, yet peaceful gathering”.

“An avalanche of men, women and children, but most visibly black-veiled women, fill the eye from one end of the horizon to the other,” he wrote. “The crowds were so huge that they caused a blockade for hundreds of miles.”

Some pilgrims chose to walk the entire 425 miles from Basra and Karbala over two weeks, he said, braving scorching sun in the day and cold at night, through terrorist strongholds.

“Arbaeen should be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in several categories,” he wrote.

“The biggest annual gathering, longest continuous dining table, largest number of people fed for free, largest group of volunteers serving a single event, all under the imminent threat of suicide bombings.”


?What is the necessity of knowing Imam Mahdi

To answer this question, first it is necessary to pay attention to 11 reasons for the importance of acquainting oneself with Imam Mahdi

The first reason: the reason of Man’s Creation

  :Imam Hussein told his companions

O people, Allah has not created humans except to know him. When they recognized him, they worship him. When they worship him, for the blessing of this prayer, they do not need to  worship entities than God

A man asked: What’s the recognition of God

 :the Imam said

That is, people of any age should know the Imam whom they should obey the commands of his 

 Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 83

 The result: Knowing God = Getting to know the Imam of each era