

?What kind of waiting

The waiting that it spoken about, is not just sitting and weeping! We must prepare ourselves to 

(become the soldiers of Imam Mahdi (PBUH

Awaiting for Faraj [the coming of Imam Mahdi] means to be prepared completely for the goal 

...for which Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will rise up. That great historical revolution

Supreme Leader 81/7/30 - 87/5/27

The philosophy of the Jewish Messiah

The literal meaning of the Hebraic term for Messiah is “Anointed”. Israelites used to pour 

some oil on the Kings’ head and anoint it and therefore referred to the King as “Messiah” and 

considered obeying him as an obligation. “Messiah” was first the title of the kings and over the 

"time its meaning was changed to the “Savior

Israelites sought the help of Samuel (the Prophet) during the worst troubles, he anointed King 

Saul and therefore the term Messiah as “Anointed” was first used for King Saul. But was King 

[Saul really the Messiah (meaning the promised one)? [To be continued

Savior in the religions, Shakeri, p.36

First Samuel, chapter 24, verse 6

Evolution of minds after the Reappearance

:Imam Baqir (PBUH) said

“Whenever Imam Mahdi (PBUH) rises up, he will pat the worshipers on their head and by doing so he will make their minds concentrated and will complete their morality

:Imam Sadiq (PBUH) addressing the Shias said

“You will not perfect your faith until Imam Mahdi (PBUH) rises up, therefore, God would unite 

."your wisdom and the believers will reach their perfection

The source: The book of the “Merciful Government”  

Trying to popularize Imam Mahdi

According to wisdom, if a person is beloved he should be popularized. Therefore, Shia 

.Muslims should make Imam Mahdi popular

Imam Sadiq (PBUH)said: “God blesses someone who makes us popular among people and 

attracts people to us. I swear to God that when people narrate our speeches to others, they 

.would be more beloved because of those speeches

. Mekyal al-Makarem, volume 2

...The danger of poison penetration and

In the Apocalypse, people testify by their passion and lust and they govern by tyranny! People curse their fathers and envy their brothers! Partners betray each other in business and the 

!sense of loyalty diminishes! Adultery spreads! Men wear like women! Women leave modesty

Ostentation gets into the hearts like poison, which penetrates in bodies…wealth will be spent 

!on singing! People get fascinated by the World

Bihar al-Anwar, volume 52, page 264

When poison penetrates into body, getting poisoned is normal. Therefore, the society can be 

.poisoned like a body! If you want to treat your poisoning, revive your life by removing poison

"Faith in the Absent Imam"

:The translation of verse 3 of Surah Al-Baqarah

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them

: Davood Raqee saying that Imam Sadiq said in the interpretation of this verse

 “Pious people are people who have faith in the uprising of Imam Mahdi (Qa’im) and admit it which is of course right

 Ithbat al-hudat, v. 5, p. 72

The third reason of the necessity of knowing the Imam of each era: "It is a condition of the acceptance of deeds ”

Muawiyah ibn Ammar asked Imam Sadiq about this verse “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” (7:180). The Imam answered

 “I swear to God that we are the Lord’s Good Names so that God does not accept any deed of humans unless they know us

Usul al-Kafi, chapter: Al-navader

Indeed, what kind of knowledge is this? Which is so important? We’ll mention it later

Remaining patient in annoyance and denial

Imam Sadiq (PBUH): When you are faced with difficulty and hardship in our way, be patient and recommend each other to resist
Every person who is waiting for imam Mahdi and is patient in tolerating the annoyance and fear in this way, he will be in our company in the other world 
Mekyal al-Makarem, volume 2—  Rouzeh Kafi, page37

:Types of patience in the occultation based on narrations
 Being patient for the duration of the occultation
 Being patient against annoyance and denial and ridicule of the opponents.
 Being patient against calamities and disasters
 Being patient when you see believers’ calamities caused by enemies while you cannot defend them

The leaders of the occultation

 :Imam Hadi(PBUH) said 

In the occultation of our Qa’im, if there weren’t any scholars and sages who invite people to Imam Mahdi or any defenders of the religion or helper to save unable people from evil’s and enemies’ traps, all people would stop following God’s religion and would become a pagan

Scholars and sages, who save weak and poor Shia Muslims like a captain who guides a ship, are better and beloved ones for God

Al-Ihtijaj, volume 1, page 18

Emam bagher

Emam bagher, peace be upon him said:

Man's smile to his (fellow) brother as well as wiping brushwood (hurts) out of him are generosity and the most beloved invocation before Allah is to make a believer happy.


Do you know what belongings of prophets are with Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and he brings them with him after the Reappearance

Do you know what belongings of prophets are with Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and he brings them 

? with him after the Reappearance

1-The casket of Adam, 2-The adz and other carpentry tools of Noah, 3-The collection of Ibrahim (Abraham), 4-The stick of Moses, 5-The stone of Moses, 6-The Torah of Moses, 7-The Tablets of Moses, 8-The casket of Moses, 9-The Gospel of Jesus, 10-The packsaddle used by Jesus, 11-The measure of Joseph, 12-The shirt of Joseph, 13-The crown of Solomon, 14-The ring of Solomon, 15-The measure of Shuaib, 16-The mirror of Shuaib, 17-The armor of David, 18-The patrimony of Hud and Saleh, 19-The shirt of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 20-The armor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 21-The ring of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 22-The stick of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 23-The Zulfiqar sword, 24-The Mus'haf of Imam Ali(PBUH) (The Quran that is collected by Imam Ali), 25-The special treaty of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 26-The heritage of all prophets 

and all other divine books

 The Awaited Mahdi, p. 46 & 47

 Mu'jam al-Ahadith Imam Mahdi, vol. 3

? Why do Iranians burn the obelisk


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The first one who returns

 :The translation of verse 18 of Surah An-Naba 

“The Day the Horn is blown and you will come forth in multitudes”

Imam Sadiq was asked: Is the return (i.e. return to the world) right

The Imam said: Yes

Asked: Who is the first person who comes back

The Imam said: Hussein ibn Ali, who exits after the uprising of Al-Qa’im

The man asked: “Are there people accompanying him? He said: “No, as Allah says (in the Quran): they come in groups and respectively, nations after nations

 The book of Alvafy, vol. 2, p.267

️A clever and meaningful answer

 :The second reason is the necessity of knowing the Imam of each era

"It is a sign of faith"

 Aban ibn Taghlib says: I asked Imam Sadiq: Is a person faithful if he knows all Imams except for the Imam of his own era? The Imam said: “No.” I asked again: Is he considered as a Muslim

The Imam answered: Yes

The Source: Kamal al-Din and Tamam Al-Nimeh

  :The important lesson

"Every Muslim is not considered as a faithful one"