

۱۸ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Imam» ثبت شده است

?Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

He is the man who did not oppress nor accept oppression during his life even when all of his companions got martyred.

?Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

He is the person who never violated his promise and fought valiantly for his promise till he got martyred.

?Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

He is the leader whose loyal companions who were six months to ninety years old didn't abandon him to their last breath and all stood against oppression.

?Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

He is the superhero who stood against the tyrants of his own time with all his power and possessions to become an eternal role model for all unbiased people in the world who choose an honorable death over a dishonorable life.

?Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

Be aware, if there is a talk of unbiasednees and magnanimity the name of Hussain (PBUH) would be its pioneer undoubtedly.

?Who is Hussain

 Who is Hussain

Who is Hussain?

Hussain (PBUH) was the child of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) and Imam Ali (PBUH), The grandchild of the prophet of Islam, He was kind and humble to the oppressed people And mighty and brave against the tyrants.

The Savior – 2

The Savior – 2

There are times we think what Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is? What is a person like Imam Mahdi (PBUH) good for? What does he do and how does he do it? We do not understand!
If the Jewish people are seeking the arrival of Messiah Ben David, the Christians are seeking the same Messiah Ben David but its Christianized form who is Jesus Christ. Moslems, either Shia or Sunni, are seeking the arrival of Mahdi; and there is no disagreement between them on the fact that Mahdi (PBUH) is one of the descendants of Imam Ali (The first Imam of Shias) and her holiness Zahra (PBUH). There is something common in this concept.

Being good to one’s parents


  Hadith about “Being good to one’s parents

: قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ صلی الله علیه و آله

ما وَلَدٌ بارٌّ نَظَرَ اِلى اَبَوَیْهِ بِرَحْمَةٍ اِلاَّ کانَ لَهُ بِکُلِّ نَظْرَةٍ حِجَّةٌ مَبْرُورَةٌ فَقالُوا: یا رَسُولَ اللّهِ وَاِنْ نَظَرَ فِى کُلّ یَوْمٍ مِائَةَ نَظْرَةٍ؟ قالَ: نَعَمْ اللّهُ اَکْبَرُ وَاَطْیَبُ.

: The Prophet of Islam says

“Every single righteous child who looks at his father and mother with kindness will receive the reward of a complete accepted Hajj.” He was asked: “Even if they look at their parents one hundred times a day?” he answered: Yes, God is bigger and purer

.Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p.73


: قالَ الصادِقُ علیه السلام

بِرُّ الْوالِدَیْنِ مِنْ حُسْنِ مَعْرِفَةِ الْعَبْدِ بِاللّهِ اِذْ لا عِبادَةَ اَسْرَعُ بُلُوغا بِصاحِبِها اِلى رِضَى اللّهِ مِنْ حُرْمَةِ الْوالِدَیْنِ الْمُسْلِمَیْنِ لِوَجْهِ اللّهِ تَعالى.

: Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says

Being good to one’s parents is the sign which shows a servant of God has recognized God very well. Because no other worship makes a person closer to God’s contentment but observing the veneration of one’s Muslim parents for the sake of God

.Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p.77


: عَنْ اَبِى الْحَسَنِ مُوسى علیه السلام قالَ

سَأَلَ رَجُلٌ رَسُولَ اللّهِ صلی الله علیه و آله: ما حَقُّ الْوالِدِ عَلى وَلَدِهِ؟ قالَ: لایُسَمّیهِ بِاسْمِهِ، وَلایَمْشى بَیْنَ یَدَیْهِ، وَلایَجْلِسُ قَبْلَهُ وَلایَسْتَسِبُّ لَهُ.


: It is narrated from Imam Kadhim (PBUH) that he said

“A man asked the Prophet (PBUH) about what obligations children have toward their fathers?” he said: 1. Not to call him in his first name. 2. Not to walk ahead of him. 3. Not to sit down before he does. 4. Not to do something which causes people curse their father

.Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p.45


: فِیما کَتَبَ الرِّضا علیه السلاملِلْمَأْمُونِ

بِرُّ الْوالِدَیْنِ وَاجِبٌ، وَاِنْ کانا مُشْرِکَیْنِ وَلاطاعَةَ لَهُما فِى مَعْصِیَةِ الْخالِقِ.

: In the writing of Imam Reza (PBUH) to Al- Ma’mun, we read

Being good to one’s parents is mandatory and necessary even if they are pagans and polytheists; however, they should not be obeyed in sinning against God

.Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p.72


:قالَ عَلِىُّ بْنُ الْحُسَیْنِ علیه السلام

جاءَ رَجُلٌ اِلَى النَّبِىِّ صلی الله علیه و آله فَقالَ: یا رَسُولَ اللّهِ ما مِنْ عَمَلٍ قَبِیحٍ اِلاَّ قَدْ عَمِلْتُهُ فَهَلْ لِى تَوْبَةٌ؟ فَقالَ لَهُ رَسُولُ اللّهِ صلی الله علیه و آله: فَهَلْ مِنْ والِدَیْکَ اَحَدٌ حَىٌّ؟ قالَ: اَبى: قالَ: فَاذْهَبْ فَبِرَّهُ قالَ: فَلَمّا وَلّى قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ صلی الله علیه و آله: لَوْ کانَتْ اُمُّهُ.


: Imam Sajjad (PBUH) said

“A man went to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and said: “O Prophet of God, I have tried all the wrong and horrible actions, can I repent?” The Prophet (PBUH) answered: “Is any of your parents alive?” he answered: “Yes, my father”. The Prophet said: “Go and be good to him (until you are atoned). When the man started to leave the prophet (PBUH) said: “I wish your mother were alive. it means if his mother was alive and he would be kind to him, he would have been atoned sooner

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p.82


The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH)- P 3

The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH) with Muawiyah and his Supporters

Part 3

Part 1

Part 2

Speaking to Amr ibn Othman

“O Amr ibn Othman! You were unable to realize the wicked deeds of Muawiah due to your stupidity. You are like the mosquito who told the palm tree: Beware, I want to take off! And the palm tree answered: I never even felt your presence, let alone be worried about you taking off! By God I do not feel that it is in your interest to act in enmity towards me, let alone give me any hardship. I shall tell you that which is related to your words.”

 “Are you insulting Ali due to his ancestry? Or do you consider him far from the Holy Prophet? Or has he behaved wrongly towards Islam? Or has he ruled unjustly? Or was he fond of the worldly matters? If you claim any of these you shall be a liar. On your claim that the blood of nineteen men of Bani Umayyah is upon us from the War of Badr: they were killed by God and his messenger…”

 “The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “When the number of the children of the toad (meaning the Bani Umayyah as shall be seen later below) reaches thirty, they shall pass Gods property among themselves and humiliate His servants and do corruption towards His book, the Holy Quran. When their number reaches 310, damnation shall come to these against the others. When their number reaches 475 persons, they will be wiped out faster than chewing on a piece of date. After this speech Hakam ibn Abolaass came forward wishing to talk on this issue, but the Holy Prophet said: Be quiet as the toad can hear.”

“When the Holy Prophet had a dream about the Bani Umayyad taking the Muslim Nation’s affair into their hands after him and became very disturbed, God the Almighty sent this verse of the Holy Quran: “The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.”  Meaning (experiencing) the Night of Qadr is better than 1000 months (that the Umayyad Caliphes ruled). I bear witness for and against you that after killing Imam Ali (PBUH), your Caliphate shall not last more than 1000 months, as God the Almighty has informed in the Holy Quran.”

Toward Amr ibn al Aass

“You Amr ibn al-‘As! You who hate Imam Ali and are cursed and abortive, you’re nothing but a dog. Your mother was adulterous. You were born in the bed which was common among several men, then a group of men of Quraysh were fighting over you, including Abusufyan ibn Harb, Walid ibn Mughayrah, Othman ibn Haarith, Nasr ibn Haarith bin Kalde and Aas ibn Wael who considered you as their son. Eventually, the man who was the lowest in terms of ancestry and the most vicious in terms of position and the most adulterous one overcame and took you as his son. You’re talking about your hatred of Muhammad (PBUH) with this background?”

 “Aas ibn Wael imputed the Prophet to sterility; as one whose name and way would be forgotten after he dies. So God sent the verse: “For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off (from Future Hope).” [108:3] Your mother was the woman who went to Aabd Qays clan’s houses, places and valleys for adultery. You are the one who was always an enemy of the Prophet and denied him most.”

 “You were one of the men who went to Najashi on a ship. Those worthless people who went to Ethiopia and were about to get Ja’far ibn Abi Talib and the immigrants killed; but your Plot and scheme failed as you lost credit and your lies were revealed. The infidel’s words trampled and the words of God won.”

“And about what you said about Othman, shame on you, O unbeliever! You are the one who made fight against him and ran to Palestine waiting for result. When you heard about his death, you took refuge with Muawiyah! You are such a mischievous person! You sold your belief and faith for another one’s vale. We don’t blame you for the hatred and lack of compassion towards us, since both in the time of ignorance and the time of Islam you have been the enemy of Bani Hashim. You satirized the Prophet with Seventy verses of your poetry. Then the Prophet said: “My Lord! I don’t long to rime, anathematize him 1000 times for every verse in which he satirized me.”

 “You Amr ibn al-‘As! You chose to deal your faith and religion with the worldly gain of another. You sent gifts for Najashi and went to him for the second time, not learning from the first time! You meant to get Ja’far ibn Abi Talib and his companions killed, and when you could not get what you wanted, you colluded against your friend, Ammarah ibn Walid.”

Toward Walid ibn Aqabah

“And you Walid ibn Aqabah! By God I don’t blame you for your hatred towards Imam Ali, since he whipped you for dipsomania, and also killed your father in the battle of Badr. How do you dare to revile him while God named him as true believer and named you as debauchee in 10 verses in Quran? Like the verse in Sajdah surah which says: “Is then the man who believes no better than the man who is rebellious and wicked? Not equal are they.” [32:18] or like the verse in Hujurat surah which says: “O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.” [49:6]Why do you even talk about Quraysh while your father was from Safuryah and his name was  Zakwan.”

 “And about what you think, that we killed Othman; Talha and Zubayr and Ayesha didn’t dare to say such thing, how dare you?! If only you could ask your mother about your real father, she would leave Zakwan and claim that Uqba ibn Abu Mu’ayt was your father to get the benefits of his position. While God will punish you and your parents in the world and hereafter for all your wickedness, he would not oppress his servants.”

 “Walid! By God you are older than the man who you consider to be your father, so how do you dare to revile Imam Ali?! If you knew about your real father and realized that you don’t have any relation with the man who you consider as father, as your mother told you before: “Oh my son! By God, your father was more evil than Uqba.”

Toward Attbah ibn Abu Sufyan

“And you Attbah ibn Abu Sufyan! You are out of your mind and I shouldn’t answer you! You lack any reason, so I cannot blame you; there is no hope for you. If you revile Imam Ali, I won’t be surprised. You do not even match the bondsman of his bondsman. But remember, God is waiting to punish you and your parents and your brother. You are son of the father that God describes them in Quran:” Labouring (hard), weary, – The while they enter the Blazing Fire, –The while they are given, to drink, of a boiling hot spring, which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.” [88:3-7]

“Do you threaten to kill me? So why didn’t you kill the man who slept with your wife? While he inseminated your wife and imputed his child to you! Woe to you! It’s better to take revenge on him than to threaten me.”

“I don’t blame you for reviling Imam Ali, because he killed your brother in the battle. Imam Ali and Hamzah (peace be upon them) were among those who killed your grandfather who deserved the fire and torment of Hell for his evil deeds. Imam Ali was the one who exiled your uncle by the Prophet’s (PBUH) order. And about what you said that I wish to be Caliph, I should; because people are begging me to be the Caliph. But you are not like your brother (Muawiyah) and your father, since your brother was the one who rebelled against God more than others and sought to kill Muslims more than others and also sought the position that was he did not deserve. He deceived people while God plans and the best of planners is God.”

“And about what you said that Imam Ali was the worst person of the Quraysh for the Quraysh, I swear he never humiliated the dead and never killed any innocent.”

...to be continued

The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH)- P 2

The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH) with Muawiyah and his Supporters

Part 2

Part 1

Speaking to Muawiyah

“Muawiyah! I’m talking to you, you Ungodly! In this debate no one reviled me but you, these people didn’t revile me, you did. All these Profanities are from you. You are the one who oppresses, feuds and grudges us. You did this to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and now again continue doing it [with his descendants]. You Ungodly; I swear if this debate took place in The Mosque of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Emigrants and the Ansaar were around us, they could not give speeches like this and could not greet me the way they did.”

 “O you who have collaborated against me! Do not deny the truth that you are aware of; and if I say something untrue, do not confirm it.”

“Muawiyah! I shall First of all remind you of some things, although I cannot say fully how villainous you are!”

“I swear to God! Did you know the man whom you reviled has prayed towards 2 Qiblas, while you considered him as perverse and worshiped the Laat and Uzza idols? Imam Ali (PBUH) pledged allegiance 2 times, Pledge of the Tree (Pledge of Ridwan) and Pledge of the victory (Fath). And you Muawiyah! You disbelieved on the first pledge and broke the second one.”

Imam continued: “I swear to God, am I right or not? Do you remember Ali was with the Prophet in the battle of Badr and he was carrying the banner of the Prophet while you were against the Prophet and with the Polytheists? Muawiyah you were worshiping Laat and Uzza and wanted to fight against the Prophet. Ali was with the Prophet in the battle of Ohod while you fought against them. Ali was with the Prophet in the battle of Ahzab and you had the Polytheists’ banner in your hand. These facts show that the Prophet was always satisfied with him on these occasions.”

Imam continued: “You know when the Prophet (PBUH) environed Bani Qurayza and Bani Nadir, he sent Umar ibn Al-Khattāb from Immigrants and Sa’d ibn Mu’adh from Ansar to fight. Sa’d was wounded and Umar and his men were overtaken by fear. Then the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Tomorrow I will send a man to fight who loves God and his Prophet and God and his Prophet love him. He is a warrior who fights and never runs away. He will never come back until God has granted him victory.” After these words, Abu Bakr and Umar and others from the Immigrants and the Ansar tried to take the Prophet’s permission but he called Ali who had pain in his eyes, the Prophet healed him by his slobber. Then he asked him to go and fight, he went and didn’t come back until he gained victory. Muawiyah! When all these events happened you were in Mecca and were the enemy of God and his Prophet. Is the man who loved God and his Prophet equal with the enemy of God and his Prophet?”

“I swear you are not truly a Muslim yet! You are saying something that you do not believe with your heart.

Did you know when the Prophet (PBUH) went to the Battle of Tabuk, he chose Imam Ali (PBUH) as his surrogate without any abominations? When the Tartuffes blamed Imam Ali for this position and He told the Prophet: do not leave me in Medina, I’ve never left you alone in any battles. The Prophet answered: you are my Successor and caliph in my family just like Aaron was with Moses, then he took Imam Ali’s hand and said: Listen to me! One who loves me, loves God and One who loves Ali loves me. One who obeys me, obeys God and one who obeys Ali, obeys me.”

Imam Hassan (PBUH) continued: “By God! Did any of you hear about the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) sermon in Hajj al Wida?! That he said “O People, I left the Holy Quran for you so that you do not stray in the future, so take your oath of allegiance and observer every Halal and Haram. Believe in the Mutashabeh verses and confess that you believe in the Quran that God has sent you. Love my family (Ahl al Bayt)! Love those who love them and help them against their enemies. The two (the Holy Quran and the Ahl al Bayt) shall be among you and never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise). Then while he was on the pulpit (minbar) he called Imam Ali and raised his hand and said: “O’ God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those who are hostile to him, O My Lord! Do not bless anyone who is hostile to him (neither in the world nor the Hereafter) and put them in the lowest place of Gehenna (hell).”

“By God! Did you know that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) told Ali (PBUH): “You are the one who disperses the wicked from my pool’s side in the day of judgment, just as any one of you disperse wandering camels from among your own herd.”

 “By God! Did you know that when Imam Ali went to the Holy Prophet during the illness that led to his demise, the Prophet cried. Ali asked: “Why do you cry, O Messenger of God?” He replied: “I am crying as I am aware of the enmity and vengeance that my people have towards you in their hearts, which they will not reveal until I am gone.”

 “By God! I ask you, did you know that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was passing away, all his family gathered around him and he said: “My Lord! These are my family (Ahl al Bayt and Etrat). O Lord! Love those who love them and help them against their enemies.” Then he said: “My family is like Noah’s Ark for you, everyone who boarded will survive and the ones who fall behind will drown.”

“By God; did you know the companions of The Prophet, when he was alive, congratulated Imam Ali! Did you know Imam Ali was the first person among the companions of the Holy Prophet who prohibited all the blessings for himself; following which this verse was sent by the Lord: “O ye who believe! make not unlawful the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess. Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you, lawful and good; but fear Allah, in Whom ye believe.”[5:87-88]

 “Imam Ali (PBUH) had the erudition of Manaya, judgment Knowledge, discernment of truth vs. falsehood, science, and knowledge of Quran. Ali was one of the 10 persons whom God had informed that they are believers. But you were among a small group who had been anathematized by the Prophet. I bear witness that all of you had been anathematized by God through the Prophet’s tongue.”

“By God! Do you know that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent after you (Muawiah) to write a letter to Khalid ibn Walid when he had overtaken the Bani Khazimah tribe. The messenger of the Holy Prophet returned three times to inform him that Muawiah was busy eating. The Holy Prophet cursed you and asked God the Almighty: “Oh lord. Afflict Muawiah with never ending hunger …”

 “By God, am I right or not?! You Muawiyah! You and your father were riding the red camel, you were riding and your brother who’s here was harnessing. The story is for the battle of Ahzaab when the Prophet anathematized the rider and the inhibitor, your father was the rider, and you were the one riding the camel and your brother was the inhibitor.”

“By God! Did you know that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) anathematized Abu Sufyan seven times: first one was when the Prophet left Mecca and entered Medina and Abu Sufyan came from Sham! He abused the Prophet and reviled him and threatened him with death and tried to attack the Prophet, but God saved   him.”

 “The second one was when Abu Sufyan left the convoy and gouged it from the Prophet.

And the third one was in the battle of Ohod, when the Prophet said “God is with us and you don’t have any helper”. Abu Sufyan answered: “We have the Uzza which you don’t have.” So that God and the angels and the Prophet and all the believers anathematized him.”

 “The forth one was in the battle of Hunayn, when Abu Sufyan brought the Quraysh and Hawazin and Uyainah and the Ghtfan’s and The Jews. Then God smote them. God named them in the Ahzab and Fath Surahs.”

 “Muawiyah! You were in Mecca and were a polytheist like your father. But Imam Ali was a follower of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at that time.”

 “The fifth time in this verse where God the Almighty has said: “and the sacrificial animals, detained from reaching their place of sacrifice”. (Fath: 25). O Muawiyah, On that day you, your father and the Polytheists of Quraysh blocked the way of the Holy Prophet, so God cursed your father in such a way that the curse will be with him until the Day of Judgment.“

 “The sixth time it was in the War of Ahzab, when Abu Sufyan brought the group of Quraysh and Ayeneh bin Hesn ibn badr brought the Ghatfan Group, and the Holy Prophet cursed their guide, their followers and the one who led it forward until the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet was ask about the believers who were among the followers, he replied that the curse does not affect the believers. But there is not even one among their guides who is a believer, one who has accepted the call and one who is saved.”

 “The seventh was in the War of Thanieh when twelve people attacked the Messenger of God, seven of them were from the Bani Ummayah and five from the Quraysh. God and his messenger cursed all who took part in the War of Thanieh and those who guided them.”

 “By God! Do you know that when people took oath with Othman, Abu Sufyan went to him in the Prophet’s Mosque and said: “O son of my brother! Is there anyone who is against us?” He replied: “None”. Abu Sufyan said: “So pass the Caliphate among the youth of Bani Ummayah one after the other, I swear to the one who the life of Abu Sufyan in His hands that there is no Heaven and no Hell.””

 “By God! Do you know that when people took oath with Othman, Abu Sufyan held Hussain’s hands and said to him: “O brother, come with me to the Baghi.” When they reached the middle of the Baghi, Abu Sufyan pulled Hussain with him and shouted as loud as he could: “O you who have passed away and are gone! The Caliphate for which you fought is now ours and your bones have rotted away.” Hussain told him: “May God disgrace you in old age and turn your face into an ugly one!” Then he took his hands out of Abu Sufyan’s and left him alone ….

 “These are what you should be ashamed of. Can you bring such examples from us?! Muawiyah, among things that will bring you damnation is that when your father Abu Sufyan decided to become Muslim, you sent the poem which is famous among the Quraysh to stop him from accepting Islam. Among things that you should be ashamed of is the fact that Omar ibn Khattab appointed you as governor of Shaam, but you betrayed him. When Omar appointed you as governor, you were awaiting his death. Worse than all these is the fact that you fought Ali (PBUH) while you were aware of his brilliant past and his wisdom and knowledge. Ali was more deserving in the eyes of God and people for the Caliphate than you. It was you who at midnight betrayed the people and caused the blood of many persons to be shed with your deceit and false claims. Your action was same as one who does not believe in the Day of Judgment and is not worried about punishment in the hereafter.”

 “The worst of places is awaiting you when your life ends, but the best of places is for Ali (PBUH). God’s torment will be awaiting you.”

“O Muawiyah! These were all the things that you should be ashamed of. I will not recall the rest of your shameful background and evil traits to shorten the talk.”

...to be continued


The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH)- P 1

The revealing debate of Imam Hassan (PBUH) with Muawiyah and his Supporters

Part 1

The late Shaikh Tabarsi in his honorable book, Ratiocination, quoted the debate that took place between Imam Hassan (PBUH) and Muawiyah and his Supporters. The debate was made by order and conspiracy of Muawiyah to Contempt and Subjugate Imam Hassan (PBUH), but the result was nothing but disgrace for Muawiyah and his Supporters. The Riwayah text in Ratiocination book is

Shaabi and Abu Mikhnaf and Yazid ibn Abi Habib said: There was no day in which an event had been held and a group gathered together who made more Contention and yelling and exaggeration than the day that Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan, Amr ibn Othman ibn Affan, Amr ibn Aass, Atbah ibn Abu Sufyan, Walid ibn Atbah ibn abi Maeet and Muquaayrah ibn Shouba, gathered and colluded

Amr ibn Aass said to Muawiyah: Why don’t you summon Hassan ibn Ali, since he is doing the same as his father and making adherents. If he ordered, it would be obeyed and if he said something it would be accepted. These two points would elevate his position. I hope you summon him, so that we can bring down the position of him and his father and vituperate them. That is why we are here

Muawiyah replied: I fear that he answers us in an unanswerable way. Swear to Lord, I always abominate him and turn my face away whenever I see him. If I call him, I will behave in impartiality between you and him. Amr ibn Aass said: “Do you fear that he would overcome us?” He answered: “No.” Amr ibn Aass said: “So summon him

Atbah said: “I disagree, swear to God you could not defeat him with your power, but he will come with his whole gut, since he is from the family who has men fighting.”

When he sent an envoy to Imam Hassan (PBUH) and he said that Muawiyah summons him, Imam asked: “Who else is with him?” He said their names. Imam asked: “What do they want? I wish God send his punishment upon them!” Then he asked his servant to give him his clothes. He said: “Oh Lord! I distance from their evil by relying on you and take refuge in you from their evil and ask for your help against them, so by whatever means or whenever you want, annihilate them on your power, you’re the most Merciful.” Then he said to Muawiyah’s envoy: “These are the liberation words that I intone.”

When Imam Hassan (PBUH) came into Muawiyah, he welcomed the Imam and shook his hands. Imam told Muawiyah: “Your welcome means I’m safe?” Muawiyah said: “Of course, they didn’t listen to me and summoned you to make you confess that Othman was killed innocently by your father. Now hear what they say and confute them without considering my position.”

Imam answered: “Praise the Lord! This is your place and in your place there must be your permission. I swear if I confute them in what they considered, I’ll abash at your reviling, and if they overcome you, I’ll abash at your failure. Which one of these will you admit? If I knew that they’ve plotted out, I would bring from Bani Hashem of their numbers. Although my solitude and their assemblage is frightening to me, God the Almighty will always protect and support me. Now tell them to start to talk, there is nothing more than the power of the Great and Almighty Lord.

Start of the debate by words of Othman ibn Affan’s son

Amr ibn Othman ibn Affan started his speech and said: “I never thought after killing Othman who was the Caliph, Abdul Muttalib’s sons could survive, while Othman was their niece and he had the virtuous position in Islam and The Holy Prophet respected him. What they did to him was too bad and they killed him because of rebellion and sedition and jealousy. They wanted something they don’t (didn’t) deserve. With all the dignity and background that he had with God, the Prophet and Islam! Oh! What a pity that Hassan and Abdul Muttalib’s sons who are Othman’s murderers are still alive while Othman’s blood was shed! In addition, killing of nineteen of the Umayyads who had been killed in the Battle of Badr is on you.”

 Amr ibn Aass’s words

After Amr ibn Othman, Amr ibn Aass started to talk and after praising God, said: “You, the Son of Abu Turab! We have summoned you to make you confess that your father poisoned Abu Bakr Siddiq and was accomplice in killing Umar Farouk and killed Othman Dhun-Nurayn. Your father asked something he did not deserve and received his retribution.” Then he explained the story of Othman’s killing and blamed him, then continued: “Abdul Muttalib’s sons! You have no right to rule on this land. Hassan! You consider yourself as the Commander of the Faithful while you don’t have enough wisdom and tact, how do you think this way, while you’ve been rejected and you’re well-known as the ignorant of Quraysh? This is your fate after what your father did. We called you to be here and hear our Profanity to your father and yourself. Now, you have no power and no right to stop us or impugn. If you think we’re lying, say something, and if not it’s better that you know that you and your father are the worst in the world. And about your father, God killed him himself and there was no need for us to do it. But you are under our decision and we are free to choose; if we kill you we won’t be guilty in the eyes of neither God nor people.

 Attbah ibn Abu Sufyan’s words

Then Attbah ibn Abu Sufyan started his speech, he said: “Hassan! Your father was the worst of Quraysh for the Quraysh, he broke up with them more than any other and killed them more than anyone else, you’re one of Othman’s Killers, we have the right to kill you because of that, and based on Qur’anic injunctions we should do Qisas, and we will. God took our revenge of your father and killed him. You hope that you would be Caliph while you don’t deserve it among others.”

Walid ibn Aqubah’s words

After Atbah, Walid ibn Aqubah bin abi Maeet gave a speech like others and said: “Bani Hashems’! You were the first persons who carped Othman and relucted against him, and because of your Greed to rule broke up with him and killed him. Your desire for this humble and worthless vale made you kill people.”

Muquaayrah ibn Shouba’s words

Then Muquaayrah ibn Shouba started to talk. He was cursing Imam Ali (PBUH) overall. Then he said: “Hassan! Othman was killed innocently. There is no way to exculpate your father from killing Othman. Infact we suspect that your father accompanied, gave shelter and defended Othman’s killers and wanted him dead. He had a long sword and tongue and killed living people and caviled the dead. The Umayyads were better than Bani Hashems for the other. Hassan! Muawiyah for you is better than you are for Muawiyah.”

“When the Prophet was alive, he always had animosity towards him, before the Prophet passed away, your father provoked people against him and decided to kill him, and the prophet always knew these. Then your father refused to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr until he was brought forcefully, then he machinated and killed Abu Bakr by poison. Then he disclaimed with Umar and tried to behead him. And then it was Othman’s turn. The blood of all these persons is on your father. And now what will God do with him?!!

God says in the Holy Quran; authority and power are on the Avenger of blood and here Muawiyah is the avenger of blood (of Othman), so that if we kill you and your brother, we do the right thing; Ali was not more important than Othman. Abdul Muttalib’s sons! God did not confine Kingship and prophecy in your bloodline.” He said these and took silence.

Imam Hassan’s (PBUH) answers

Imam Hassan (PBUH) started to talk and said: “Praise God for guiding your first ancestors by our first ancestor and your last descendants by our last descendant, Peace be upon our Sayyed Mohammad and his dynasty. Now, listen carefully to what I say and then tell me what you get out of it.”

....to be continued


:The fourth reason of the necessity of acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era

It is the way of salvation from the death in which a Muslim according to the Prophet’s Hadith" 

"is considered as a pagan if he is not aware of the Imam of his Era

:The Holy Prophet said

.“Anyone dies without knowing his Imam, in fact has died has died living a pagan life"

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p.76

:Acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era has two branches

1.(Knowing his birth information (name, title, father's name, place of birth, year of birth

2. Getting to know all the traits, and characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate, Reappearance 

signs, pre- and post-emergence events, his holy government, people’s tasks in the occultation, 

.......Raj’a (Second coming) and 

Mekyal al Makarem, volume 1

How much knowledge do we have toward our Imam? Are we faithful or just Muslims? God willing we are not considered as causes which have been mentioned so far or will be mentioned later

Evolution of minds after the Reappearance

:Imam Baqir (PBUH) said

“Whenever Imam Mahdi (PBUH) rises up, he will pat the worshipers on their head and by doing so he will make their minds concentrated and will complete their morality

:Imam Sadiq (PBUH) addressing the Shias said

“You will not perfect your faith until Imam Mahdi (PBUH) rises up, therefore, God would unite 

."your wisdom and the believers will reach their perfection

The source: The book of the “Merciful Government”  

Trying to popularize Imam Mahdi

According to wisdom, if a person is beloved he should be popularized. Therefore, Shia 

.Muslims should make Imam Mahdi popular

Imam Sadiq (PBUH)said: “God blesses someone who makes us popular among people and 

attracts people to us. I swear to God that when people narrate our speeches to others, they 

.would be more beloved because of those speeches

. Mekyal al-Makarem, volume 2